The Five Hundred and Ninety-Seventh Post: The One Where I am Distracted By the Shiny!

I’ve been reading a couple of books about writing that I have to recommend.

The first one is Consider This by Chuck Palaniuk. This boo has really made me reconsider my wiritng style, and I certain will incorporate what I have learned. This is one of three books I highly recommend – the other two being On Writing by Stephen King and the one I am going to list below.

The Art Of Fiction by John Gardner is the book they hand you at your first MFA class. This one is dense. Where Chuck Palaniuk’s book is done like a couple of people sitting at a coffee table dispensing advice, this book is a classroom with chalk covered blackboards and tweed jackets. I’m not trying to take anything away from this book, but the tone is far different than the other two books I’ve mentioned. I think that anyone looking to seriously improve his writing game should have all three in their library shelves.

I’ve been subsumed with Serve Me Now. I haven’t written anything on Tribal in a couple of weeks – I’ve just written myself into a corner with the reveal that there are other werewolves in the city. I don’t want to end the chapter there because that’s too short of a chapter, but I’m not sure where to go after that. I think I’ll just let it marinade and see what happens on the weekend. I am loving writing the former, but the later has a hard deadline that I need to be cognizant of. They’re not going to delay Election Day because I have writer’s block. It would be nice, but that ain’t gonna happen.

On a personal note, I’ve been seriously considering monetizing another hobby of mine and become a paid DM. I found that there is a game shop close to where I live that I can run some one-shots at for practice on Friday evenings, and on Saturdays keep it clear for paid gigs. I might even branch out into Pathfinder 2.0, since that doesn’t seem too hard to pick up. I know I am not going to get a lot, but it will nice to get a little cash every once and a while.

That’s all that’s happening with me. I know this is a little late, but I still hit the Thursday mark. My stuff is still out there: The Dreaded Day Job, The Catastrophic Christmas Party and others. Give a look or listen, and see what you think. Ta-ta for now.

The Five Hundred and Ninety-Sixth Post: The One Where That Extra Hour of Sleep Has Made All the Difference!

I’m quitting waking up at 4:30 AM for writing. I spent more time making bargains with myself for fifteen more minutes, then getting coffee and trying to write five hundred words in twenty minutes. While it was all very romantic – working hard, hunched over my keyboard while the world slumbered unknowing, it was a pain in the butt. I spent more time on the couch guzzling the strongest coffee known to man just to wake up. If I didn’t get even a little done, I would be in a foul mood for the rest of the day. So, I’m cutting bait and heading back to shore.

I do apologize for missing a couple of days here and there, but I feel like I was over-extending myself with the early morning hijinks. Hopefully, I can find some time in the evening to work on Tribal. Serve Me Now is what I’m working on during lunch, and with that one, I am hitting my meager word count and I should have the rough draft done by October. With hopefully it coming out early next year. I was aiming for a Thanksgiving Day release, but I want to make sure this is going to be especially terrifying, so I’m aiming for next year. The other one I really need to buckle down on. That one I want to release on Election Day. I’ll take that one on in the evenings, and try to double the word-count on the weekends.

I’ve just been so scattered as of late. I’m going to admit it, there have been days were I just want to chuck it all. Walk away from it, but we all know, dear readers, that I could never stay away. I would still be writing in my head, scribbling on spare pieces of paper. Might as well turn that hypergraphia into something useful, right?

Well, speaking of sleeping, I should go on ahead and turn in. Just a brief reminder: my best two novels The Dreaded Day Job and The Catatrophic Christmas Party are available in almost every available format – Kindle, paper and hardback and audiobook. Grab it while you can!

Until later!

The Five Hundred and Ninety-Fifth Post: The Quick One Where I Contemplate Throwing in the Towel!

I think I might take a few days off from this whole thing. It’s not bringing me joy like it used to.  All I see are books not selling, audiobook links not claimed and deadlines approaching me like the fast zombies from the remake of Dawn of the Dead. There’s nothing to really blog about, unless you want me to start commenting on pop culture – and trust me, no one wants that.

I’m sorry to sound so mopey. I know there are people struggling with real things, and I’m just looking at a spreadsheet and seeing zeroes.

I think I’m going to step away for a little bit.

The Five Hundred and Nintey-Fourth Post: The One Where I Try Blatant Bribery at the End!

I’ve had an interesting few days. I had to go live in a hotel for a couple of days while our bathroom floor was worked on. My wife is going to lay down the tile.

Her optimism knows no bounds.

I found that I can get more work done when I have no good access to my YouTube channels. Who would have thought that the Internet would be a huge time suck?

I am working on two horror stories, thanks to an online writing program called AutoCrit. You might have seen their advertisements on FaceBook. I know I have. I’m giving it a chance while I write the second draft of Serve Me Now. I didn’t like the first draft all that much. I just didn’t really feel confident that it was horrific enough – the standard being vosmic horror. In fact, I described it as ‘cosmic horror without the tentacles’. So, I am using this program – which has some decent editing features to it beyond the usual spell and grammar check. It allows you to compare your manuscript (which you can write on it, or import a file) to writers in the genre you’re writing in. Naturally, I am using this feature to compare it to Lovecraft. I am hoping (fingers and tentacles crossed) to get this done in two and a half months while I am still working on Tribal.

Tribal is coming along nicely and I have the lowered word count to thank for it. Only five hundred a day since I’m trying to get this one done by June to get it edited down and out there by Election Day. I can knock out five hundred words in about half an hour to forty-five minutes on a good clip, so I can work on it at lunch. Serve Me Now is going to be a thousand words a day, which I can also do at work (I don’t think anyone I work with reads this blog) when the boss leaves for the day. I have about an hour to myself, and if I can get my work finished quickly enough, I can use that hour to write on the computer. This is the only advantage to AutoCrit right now. Normally, I don’t like that, but for now it’s proving useful.

The Show Must Go On is getting edited down now, and I am still optimistic that it’s going to get released in a year – depends on how fast it gets read and edited. It might not see the light of day until next year. I only meet two times a month with my writing group, so that’s a hamper on things. I might go on ahead and run it through the editing programs I have now. I just want to get a book out this year.

Speaking of getting things out this year…did I mention that The Catastrophic Christmas Party is an audiobook? Yeah! Went up on April 1st. Go check it out.

In fact – I am going to run a promotion. First fifty people to respond to this blog will get a promo code to get a copy of the audiobook for free. Choose to get either The Dreaded Day Job or The Catastrophic Christmas Party. The code will be emailed to you and all I ask in return is that you give me a good review.

That’s all the news for now, I am off to help tile the floor. Stay safe and I’ll see you in the next one.

The Five Hundred and Ninety-third Post: The One Where I Just Need to Breathe Deeply…

Looks like the audiobook version of The Dreaded Day Job will be released soon. I’ve sent the file off to go through Audible’s quality control. I don’t forsee any problems, so it should pass through with flying colors and be in your hot little ears within a couple of weeks. When it’s ready for order (or pre-order, if it’ll let me), I will definitely let you know. The voice actor is already working on The Catastrophic Christmas Party and I’ve listened to a couple of chapters and he’s still knocking it out of the park. I can’t wait until he gets to the eponymous Christmas Party. I think he’s going to do great.

I wish I could say the same for The Agonizing Alibi Day. I haven’t touched it in a few weeks, and I’m afraid it’s going to get lost in the shuffle. I really need to make myself sit down and not do any other projects until this is done. I think I am putting a little too much pressure on myself to get to it, which is probably why I’ve gone to other projects. I’m just stuck in this one spot, and I don’t know where to go. The side effects of a withheld whammy are building up to critical and (frankly) disgusting levels. I just need to get over that one little spot and I’m sure the words will flow like a mighty river again. Writing is hard.

There is not much else going on that’s really news worthy. I might do Camp Nanowrimo this year and try to work on something that’s been tickling my mind for a while, just to give myself a little break from werewolves and Evan. The werewolf novel isn’t due until November, so I think I can sidestep it for a while, or work on it while working on the other project.

I am still doing research into Victorian Era England for a possible pair of Gothic novels. The first book I am reading is wonderful! It’s called What Jane Austen Knew and Charles Dickens Ate and it is a complete guide to Victorian England. It’s engaging, wonderful and very, very thorough. I’ve got a couple of other books to read, but this one seems to be pretty exhaustive. Actually, because of it – I’ve had to change a couple of things in one story, but that’s for the better. If you’re doing research into that particular era, or you’re just looking for something fascinating to read – grab this book.

That’s all I have for now. Still like a dog chasing cars on the highway and trying to catch something. Still hawking my wares somehow (look to your right on the screen). Have a good day, and I’ll see you in the next.

The Five Hundred and Ninety-Second Post: The One Where I Switch Streams in Mid-horse.

I just finished listening to The Dreaded Day Job for the audiobook, and I have to say that I am still excited about this! The guy who does the voice over was great – giving performances that were in directions I never considered. It’s definitely going to shape a little how I write some of the other characters. I think it is going to be out in April – I will post (definitely) more information as it becomes available.

Sadly, this success is not translating to The Agonizing Alibi Day. I am still stuck on the beginning of a scene. I’ve set it aside, and I feel like I’m letting people down. Rather, I am working on Tribal and just going to let my subconscious tease around with it. I think as long as I am working on something I am still working…right?

Tribal isn’t going to come out for Election Day, and this is a deadline I really intent to keep. This is the first time I’ve tried to write horror and hopefully very subtle satire at the same time. I don’t want to spoil anything, so I am going to simply say that this is going to be a bit of an experiment for me. Can I write something with a subtle message, but have it not sound preachy?

That’s it for now, really. Working on two books, outlining my Gothic novel and thinking about dipping my toes back into fanfic again. I’m really horrible at resting. I’ll get a vacation at GenCon. See you all later.

The Five Hundred and Ninety-first Post: The One Where I Actually Forgot Fictional Trivia!

How does Jim Butcher do it? I was listening to my first book and through it, I found some bad continuity mistakes between that and the third book. Butcher’s got to keep a lot more in his head than I do and he does it remarkably well. He’s got seventeen books to keep straight. I only have three and I’m making big mistakes. What’s really getting under my skin is that I am going to have to go back and re-do some scenes. I’m tempted to throw out everything and just start over again, but that’s very impractical. Meh. I’ll try to soldier on and just re-write the scenes. Just slightly bummed is all.

The audiobooks are coming along. I still have to finish proof-listening to the first one. I might save that for a Saturday, but this guy is hitting home runs for The Dreaded Day Job. I can’t wait for him to narrate The Catastrophic Christmas Party. Hopefully, everything will be done by April. The Quietest Heart is getting the audiobook treatment. I need to wade through the auditions and pick my voice. I’m trying to come up with a good idea for a sequel, but nothing is really grabbing my mind. Unlike the Gothic ideas I have – none of them take place in a trailer park, so I am still trying to get that going. I have a title, a setting but nothing else. It’ll come when it comes.

I am trying to get Tribes finished in time for the elections, so I am going to get working on it in April, fished in June and edited and ready by Election Day. Yes, this is going to be a little bit of a satire of political parties and an examination of how people join groups that go against what they were taught growing up…or hopefully they were taught growing up. It’s been on my mind as of late, so this could be blocking me in getting The Agonizing Alibi Day finished. All I am trying to do right now is really stay busy and get more books out there.

That’s all I have to say for now, I’m going to try to get back into the Evan groove, but I am not going to stress out if I don’t get into it for a couple of days. I just need to let my mind work out some things and get going on its own. Wish me luck!